Rules (click to dismiss)
The game is played in rounds, adding or subtracting points based on the sum of values of cards in their hands. The first player to cross 100 points ends the game.
Each player is dealt 4 face down cards. At the start of the game each player looks at the values of two of their own cards and keeps them face down on the table. The fun of the game is trying to remember all cards you can and getting the lowest hand total before cutting. If you remember your hand you can call out your total when cutting to subtract extra points.
In turns, each player:
- Chooses to draw a card from either the Draw or Discard piles without showing it to other players.
- Decides to either:
- Discard the drawn card.
- Discard a card from their hand and keep the drawn card in that position.
- Try to discard two cards from their hand at the same time, keeping only the drawn card (check how double discard works below)
- Use the card's special effect (only 7s, 8s and 9s, check cards special effects below) and then discard it.
- Use the drawn card to cut, either calling out their count or not.
- If the player didn't cut, the turn passes to the next player.
When a player cut's, all hands are shown and points are calculated. Check below how cutting rules work in more details.
Cards special effects
- 12 of Diamonds: This card is worth 0 points. Try not to discard it!
- All 7s: Peek the value of one card in your hand.
- All 8s: Peek the value of one card in an opponents hand.
- All 9s: Choose any two cards in the game and swap their places. This can be used to swap cards between any two players.
Double Discard
When discarding, players have an option to blindly discard two cards. If they are of the same value, both are discarded and the player keeps only the drawn card, decreasing the number of cards in their hand by a total of 1 card. However, if the cards are of different values, the player must keep both cards plus the drawn card, increasing the number of cards in their hand by a total of 1 card.
Cutting rules
- The cutting player must have the lowest hand in the table, otherwise they instantly lose and must add their hand total + 20 points to their score
- If the cutting player has the lowest hand and decided to not call their total, their score this round is 0
- If the cutting player has the lowest hand and called their total right, their score is -10
- If the cutting player has the lowest hand and called their total wrong, their score is hand total + 10
All other players only add their hand totals to their score.